MY STAGES OF LIFE: A Not So Quick Glance. (2024)

Some words might be stolen from my life journey, pardon.

According to a failing group of memories... Or to a lying mind.

By DeepEyes27


The Young Squirt Soul.

As a young child... my parents raised me as a free soul.

I never thought how hard life could be.

I live in a countryside far from cities.

Near the sea and mountains.

Clouds can go from beautiful fairytale-like story...

Specially when windy and kites fill the skies...

To a scary ugly beast, when a storm conquers the sky.

When a storm comes... water rush the land...

As if tomorrow is taken.

With big and loud noise coming from the same sky I adored.

For days... The sky is darkened with big black clouds, seemingly endless, water pours like an endless cry.

I felt scared like a kitten or a small dog, unable to do his routine.

Dag! As someone pronouns it! Heh!

When a storm ends, it lefts a place full of uncertainty, broken branches and leaves flown and bashed into the land as if they met a savage beast that no one could see.

People rush clean their homes as if a person ready to stand from a long fall.

A small lake nearby fills the road nearby as if hugging it, for days.

Big people, heh, 'couz I'm small? I know cut down bamboo or banana trees and make a boat out of it, a "Balsa".

In our place... People live everyday by selling fruits, vegetables, fishes and natural products made out of materials available.

Some traded products like in everywhere else, but nothing fancier than those in cities.

The jobs are mostly anything as simple as a tricycle driver, farmer, fisherman, carpenter, electrician, police, teacher.

In my free time... I played or wandered in our small patch of land, teeming with different kinds of vegetations from Bayabas, Mangga, Lumboy, Atiesa, Langka, Chico, Makabuhay to Santol, Saging, Niyog, Kasoy, Carot - deadly if not properly rid of its toxins or whatever that is.

I remembered… we have pigs, a monkey and an eagle from some time, then we always have chickens and dogs.

And then it's an empty pigsty, monkey bar and cage.

We store woods and sticks at our wooden shed for cooking.

As a kid... my toys are clothespin put together to build ships or robots but before this, a small three-wheeled red-colored steel bike, sticks, pogpac, texts, pellet gun, and other toys made for kids.

And there was a time... a Palsuot? A shotgun-like toy made out of bamboo the size of a child's arm... its bullet a roll of wet paper.

But never an insect or any animal life that I can think of with the exception of some spiders? Poor creatures and I am heartless.

I let animals live the way they are, doing their stuff.

If my memory is true. Or... am I ruthless? I can't seem to remember it clearly? Am I just don't care enough to kill them?

I remember... animals as beings with freedom to do what they want, able to savor life... for a brief time... until I learned they can be used as food or plaything.

I didn't thought they can be extinct?

I didn't care though, as I am busy with my life.

Other kids played as if they are toys.

Fallen Bat, wings holed, buried alive until death.

Butterflies getting shot in their wings with rubberbands.

Small Beetles getting their feet cut, tied to a thread then swinged in circles, just to feel them fly in circles.

Big Ants beheaded. Stepped intentionally or not.

Animals are ravaged by kid's hands. People's hands.

And people seem to not care about their tiny life.

People kill animals without second thought if happens they're in reach. Poor animals. The same happens with trees.

I am no different with this people.

I didn't care though, as I am busy with my life.

There's a time when people plant rice in their rice fields...

The field grows... and is teeming with cassette tapes' ribbons and scarecrows, to scare birds with cruel intentions.

Mostly to feed themselves.

Food must be shared with them 'couz they came free at the first place, as some animals might say if they can?

Then the time of reaping comes... we play at hays stocked together like a small mountain and will go to home with bodies itching... when it's time to eat.

There's a time there is Peryahan? In the plaza... Where people set up ferries wheel, that train ride, horror house, that moving light that you need to pick with your money with whatever number and when the light stops at the number you win... mother is addicted? Happy! I think, when she has money to try the game and I'm surprised when she know where the light stops and when should she pick that number or numbers... she even won various items. I remember father and I ride the small ferris wheel? I am not able to finish it... at the top? I freaked out? And they need to let me... us down. Or am I able to finish it? I'm not sure... There was also a time when people set up band singing? Or movies to watch? Can't remember? One time? Back then... my father gave me a backride.

I played alone or with kids in our neighbors or watched tv until night time, mostly that, I think? Where we need to eat and then sleep early.

Until it was time for school... Afraid... but I learned how to read and write from Mother before, so it's not hard to adjust in school life.

Father is a tricycle driver and a farmer. He is often gone from home. I wake up early and oftentimes... He is gone to work.

Mother is always at our home, doing what a mother do.

The thing is... I just need to follow what life throws for kids, wake-up, eat, go to school, eat, go home, watch tv, eat, sleep.

I thought nothing of serious stuffs, I saw dead people go on to their final resting place, but the thought of death and me together never really reached me or its scary effects, or atleast not in a serious manner... or that my parents were to die...

I thought we could last a long long time it doesn't matter...

For now.

I think... I think I learned paper folding here, paper boat, paper plane, and alyas paniki - a paperplane.

The Migration.

One morning I wake-up and a big scary fire gnaws at our two-storey old-style spanish-inspired home.

That sad event took our home and we need to travel across the land. New home. New school. New kids. New people. New all.

Afraid... again... I am afraid and I don't know why.

I think I started to draw and play war things here?

Circles... my squad doing missions and fighting enemies? In space? Everywhere.

My time to be circumcised came. Ouch! From my memories, I never wore a skirt. Heh! Or place my hand to prevent friction? Between my pet and the short.

Some kids or kid, close to me, I think, heh, at my school, invited me one day to cross at a cemented bridge... and with it?

In my shock and awe? A house with PlayStation console...

They allow rentals to kids for gaming.

They have albums of games, CDs… we pick what we want.

Crash Team Racing? Twisted Metal 1 or something, can't remember now? Guilty Gear? Bloody Roar 2? Mostly for two players up course!

Then another one has popped up?

Just across the street but farther.

A Dreamcast? And PlayStation?

Dreamcast has weird games but I think I'm just accustomed to the PS one.

That's where I first saw it... I think? A Final Fantasy game... It's VIII!!! When all stations are rented we watch those who play instead.

And that's in our lunch break time.

The family that rented the house at our back has a kid with PS console! NICE!!! They invite me to play sometimes.

They have Suikoden something, Biohazard 2 Leon and Claire, Final Fantasy VII!!! Metal Slug, Final Fantasy Tactics, Tobal no. 1? Dead Or Alive, Tekken, Marvel Vs. Capcom, R4, V-Rally?, Cool Boarders? Tony Hawk Pro Skater?, Crash Bandicoot? Crash Team Racing, Dragon Ball Final Bout? Chocobo Racing, Metal Gear Solid, Tom and Jerry game, A Looney Tunes game puzzle adventure with box that has acme in it? Taz goes... Wajajaja! While spinning. Can't remember.

And many more! They even have game shark!

They and me... bought games, CDs… for the console, mostly them, I even bought two or three? Memory cards, no batteries in them mind you! Crono Cross, God I love the game!!!

I haven't able to finish it though, I even have a walkthrough for it... I think my last play or farthest in the game, is at a place like Atlantis? A city underwater?

Final Fantasy VIII, Dino crisis can't remember if 1 or something? Naruto: Shinobi no Sato no Jintori Kassen, Twisted Metal Small Brawl, Ghost in the Shell, Toshinden 4, Trap Gunner, A Someone Symphony? And some more.

I might peek at the games but, I'm too lazy to do that.

The kid has a Gameboy and Gameboy Advance! A transparent one! I remember he has Pokemon Yellow and Silver, Zelda, Wario, Yoshi, Solomon's Lawbook, F-Zero.

My Aunt gave me a blue beetle remote control car, no 6v batteries though. Unable to use when I was a kid.

Then a violet one... a Gameboy Advance! With it. A cartridge! Crash Bandicoot Huge Adventure - I think? Original!

Then I have Pokemon Gold, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance! I love the game!!! Also original. Mario Kart! Original.

And I played Pokemon Yellow, a Rockman game and a race one - I forgot the name, it's a name of a person I think? Colin McRae Rally?

When was Tamiya, Crush Gear, BeyBlade and Yu-Gi-Oh first came to the country again? Here in Philippines.

I have, Cross Tiger, Phantom Blade and Combat Hero for Tamiya.

Dino Spartan and Garuda Phoenix for Crush Gear.

BeyBlade? The tiger one… I think? And some more?

Yu-Gi-Oh? I have many of them...

But I just have a deck of 40? I think... The minimum, excluding fusion cards.

I played text and cut them... At this stage of my life.

I have used a PC, at this time? Mostly I browse thee internet with internet explorer, I never thought it will reach its end... one day.

I typed with my index finger in both hands... in a keyboard.


Doing teen stuffs! Done! I hope I could end that way. Heh!


I'm a normal teenager I think? Mostly... behave? Or talkative? Noisy even? But I never do beyond that? Destroy things, school property things? Or whatever.

Haha! I have now, I think, a Nokia 5110!!! My first phone?

Then a SonyEricsson TSomething?

Wapsites are a thing at this time! Dloadstation and Stuff.

Ringtones… Wallpapers… that black and white pictures you send with messages? Wow!

Played Ragnarok Online?

Learned some religious stuffs.

Bought my own diskettes... Two of them, sooooooo happy to use them!!! Imagine!!! I can store pictures of Rei Ayaname?

And some stuffs.

I still wet my pants after bed. Sometimes. Heh!

Wow! What's that? Being curious.

Then I wrecked some tooth... Poor them.



What a guy am I to write this? So lazy!

My life is a trainwreck now. I think? And I don't know it yet.

Doing College. I have a Nokia 5610D-1?

Being in love? A love that I thought I could share and can be made a whole. Alas… I cannot cherish it with the girl.

Trying to be close to her. To old classmates… again.

Delving in animes... YouTube song MVs...

I have owned a PC now!!! WOW!!! You know the rest.



After College. Nothing. Mostly at home. Doing stuff.

Delving in shadows of internet and downloading free stuffs.

Gaming, watching movies and series and stuffs.

Losing relatives. Family. Pets. Animal comrades.

YouTube! Commenting. Downloading.

Humans are crazy bunch. They expands like the planet is infinite.

Humans kill native animals and old trees, some older than them even.

They dig rocks that makes mountains and environment dangerous. And adorn their bodies with metallic things.

But with the help of good people. Discipline thrives now, I think?

The world is healing. Animals and trees are being more protected?

Technologies advancing. Sustainability are getting prioritized?

Feels like it's the end of the world though.

But I think my experience and knowledge is just casting shadows.

The kid within me is... scared.

The world is a scary place…

And some animals doesn't seem to mind, is that a bliss?

No, I think they just have no other choice but to survive...

And live in a world ruled by humans.

The world is a scary place…

But, also… a very beautiful one.


Will I reach this stage? I think I will never be such one.



When I was a kid... Mostly bread with cheese, noodles, hamburgers, fruits, fish, rice cakes, and snacks.

I drink water, juices, softdrinks, ice creams and Ovaltine.

When I was a bit bigger and now.

I was able to eat... French fries, rice, canned meat, chicken nuggets, fish fillet.

I drink Milo and coffee now.

Wine maybe? Beers not so much I think?


Likes... Good things, cute things, natural things, simple things, durable things. Swings. Games. Movies. Series. Martial arts. Swords. Guns. Multitools. PC. Phones. Gadgets. Sustainability. Life.

Dislikes... Bad things or worst, danger. Death.

Hmm... Two wheels than four.

Air than water? Can't decide.


Claustrophobic being... Mostly afraid of some kinds of dolls, statues, heights and under...

Blood of deads, dead bodies and their parts...

Beings that has feet exceding in four...

And being the only being in the planet.


A life that is focused on living than surviving.

Governments should make money to make jobs that rehabilitate or creates a most sustainable and most peaceful life possible for all.


A watcher that reports crime to the closest authority...

A watcher that reports calamity and disaster...

A neutral entity that values peace, justice and life.

A watcher that watch over us in heaven.

A manmade angels.


A planet where all beings has their safe place. A home.

Free, complete with food and water source. Sustainable.

Beings safely roam in their territories. Freedom. Respect.

Trees and plants are everywhere...

A producer of food and oxygen... a source of life to all...

Animals and all. A paradise.

Planets teeming with life... a galaxy for all...

A universe that creates a resonance that will not end...

Paradise for all that values life, a co-existence.

A collaboration between God, Humans and all that exists.

Peace and Immortality to all race. Generations after generations.

A dream of hope that transcends through time.

A perfection closest to God.


I am the first and the last in his name? Son of my father and mother. From the land of Infanta, Pangasinan, a small province where the mountains meet the land and the sea? At the nose of the country that looks like a human baby in the map, Philippines.

I am a mostly good person, I think? In a perfeum... perfume? When I was a kid... I have a base of stoic? Then joy and playful... a little bit of merciful and order, sprinkled with sagacity and calmness?

I picture... My father is stoic, brave and reliable at what he is doing, sometimes careful or always. My mother is a loving mother, house wife with so many knowledge about things around our place? She knows what to do and what not, when you are sick.

I still miss... those days they are still complete... the people I know... and I still don't care about the world... only what is on my front... back then... when I was a kid... I don't care about death.

MY STAGES OF LIFE: A Not So Quick Glance. (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.