The Twilight Mirror but Stupid - Night Sky (SkyWrites) (2024)

Chapter Text

The Lanayru region sparkled beautifully under the Hyrule’s sun. Zora’s Domain glistened like scales made of precious gemstones. Waterfalls fell from the tallest cliffsides on all sides, crashing passionately into the rivers below, pooling together in a massive town dripping with Zoras.

Here, Din’s fire, her powerful eye watched high above, her sun, her warmth, holding the land and water together. In Lanayru, Nayru’s love was all around, each river, each little pool of water bubbling with creatures of all kinds and especially happy Zora folk. Fayore’s wind, her curiosity, her excitement blew through their scales, sent shivers down their backs.

Love was a strong word here. So strong, yet true. A people basking in Nayru’s love, drinking and breathing in her liquid passion—was it so hard to believe that the Zora had an affinity for such romance? For the excitement of another’s touch?

So, it made sense that Mipha, princess of the Zora, felt it too. As she watched over the cliffsides of Zora’s domain, her body shimmering with wetness, the sun’s warmth at her bare chest, and the wind’s brisk breeze between her legs, could she really blame herself for her yearning feelings?

There was a time, years ago, when all the hope in Hyrule had seemed to vanish. When everything turned dark, and the world lost its love, that Mipha too thought she would disappear along with it. There was a time that she was certain she would die.

It haunted her dreams; it plagued her sleep. For if she had died without experiencing the love she had felt so strongly… She couldn’t even bear to think on it long. The sorrow crept into her heart like a hermit crab, it dug into chest and threatened to never leave.

But she wouldn’t let a near-death experience ruin her! She couldn’t! With her new life ahead of her, she promised herself she would never hold back her feelings again. She wanted to experience it, she wanted to be taken by it like a rushing river!

She remembered Link and remembered the burning passion that scorched her heart so long for him. It seemed like a distant memory now, a confusing dream. She did not regret her feelings, but Mipha felt she understood herself better now. Things wouldn’t have worked out for her and Link, for more than a few reasons.

The main one being, now that her eyes were open to a new life of peace, a new time of happiness, she could finally see that it was women that set her heart aflame. It made sense at the time. Link… well… he was never quite the manliest of men, was he? She thanked him for helping her see, for freeing her from the cold loneliness of death.

And now, years later, Mipha’s heart burned hotter than ever. How terribly she ached to be with another, to find someone that could tame the wild river of romance that she felt inside.

What was it like, she wondered, to be with another woman? Oh, how she had thought about it so many times on long sleepless nights, warm wet fingers between her legs. A ‘one-night stand’ as people called it, crossed her mind many times, and maybe that could work for anyone else, but….

Princess Mipha was a princess after all. There wasn’t a good way to feel another’s physical love that didn’t also scandalize her and her family for some time to come. She sighed.

There of course were the other races as well! Mipha was very fond of the Gerudo, the way their muscles dripped with sweat as they rode the sands, their wild hair blowing in arid winds. Ah, and Urbosa… She had been so close to Urbosa! Her high heels, her stature, just the way she walked…! Mipha had imagined so many scenarios in her head where Urbosa’s strong arms lifted her up like a wet noodle and pinned her against the cliffside and…!

Oh dear, that was only bothering her more.

Then there was the Rito, the bird folk that reminded her so much of the Zora in a strange way. They were beautiful and proud, and just oh so colorful! Their beaks gave off a dangerous edge, yet their fluffy feathery bosoms looked so comfortable to lay against. Mipha also daydreamed of a strong Rito woman picking her up and carrying her away, soaring through the great blue skies and into her lair where she would take Mipha for her…

Eep! That was certainly only making Mipha’s breathing more labored, more un-princess-like!

Besides, no matter what race they were, as long as they lived and breathed in Hyrule, in this world, they would know of Mipha. Of her family, her kingdom, her people…

It’s not like Mipha only wanted to make love to beautiful women or anything! She absolutely adored the thought of a deep emotional bond with another girl, maybe a brave Hylian knight who could save her in the nick of time from a dangerous creature. And then the creature would slice into the knight’s armor, and her clothes would be a wreck, revealing her toned body bare to all, and it would be up to Mipha to save the knight! And…

She was doing it again, wasn’t she?

Mipha felt her fingers reaching between her thighs absentmindedly. Her lips yearned for a touch, for that electric sensation. A tiny sigh slipped through her mouth as she began.

“Princess Mipha!” a voice yelled, shocking Mipha in all the wrong ways. She wanted a steady low current of electricity, not this thunderous shock!

Mipha shot up and tried to brush herself off, attempting to fool the Zora knight as to what she was doing. “O-oh! Hello! Yes, um, I was just, um, I had gotten a bit wet from swimming and…”

The Zora knight bowed deeply; her blue scales tinged with pink. “My apologies, princess! I was merely patrolling through my routes when I thought I heard you in distress!”

Mipha smiled sheepishly. Goodness, her own people were plenty attractive too. The lady knight’s scales blazed like a bright sapphire, water dripping down her stainless-steel armor and pooling around her thighs and chest. Mipha cleared her throat.

“I am in perfect health, so sorry to be a bother!” she said with a hot breath. “I just feel rather restless, I think I shall go for a swim.”

This was a big problem with Zoras. They had always been free-spirited, much like the Rito, but that free-spirited nature sometimes came at the cost of privacy. There weren’t many places a Zora could call her own or many enclosed areas that one could be to themselves for long. This usually wasn’t that terrible of an issue! Zoras by nature are also quite respectful and know better than to butt into someone’s -ahem- business.

Although, once again, that brought Mipha back to her original problem. Maybe if she weren’t a royal Zora, she could stand to be caught in a bit of a slippery situation by another Zora, but that just wasn’t going to be the case anytime soon.

Without another thought, as her thoughts were too hot, too electric to handle, Mipha dove down into the lake, into the river, moving with the cool currents in an attempt to soothe her heated desires.

Goodness. Imagine being caught in a situation like that! My hands between my legs… I wonder if the knight saw? That would be so embarrassing! She felt that pressure between her legs again as the river whirled around her. What if I had kept going…? And she just watched…? Would she like that I wonder…? What if she started too…

Mipha shook her head once more. Agh! Again! Such traitorous thoughts and in public no less! I need to be more careful. The river gets much deeper here—and the pressure feels so nice—erm, and there’s plenty of river coral and boulders! … Hm?

Deep in the murky depths of the river, Mipha spotted what appeared to be a cute underwater home with a delightful seashell for a roof. Ah. I suppose this isn’t as secluded as I thought. Wait, someone’s coming?

A Zora draped in what appeared to be delivery girl gear, complete with a baseball cap, appeared at the door’s home. That hat can’t be helpful for swimming. She rang the doorbell, a murky green light washing over her muscled frame from the nearby plants.

“Pizza delivery!”

W-what? Her delivery outfit can barely contain her… f-features. And when did we get Pizza delivery?! Mipha quietly swam behind one of the nearby boulders. She couldn’t help but watch.

The door quickly opened, bubbles floating up at the motion. From the other side a beautiful buxom Zora woman opened the door, wearing only a bright pink apron. Her scaly breasts and other parts were barely covered at all! Well, not that Zoras usually covered their bodies, but somehow this was even more sexual.

“Oh, goodness!” the light airy voice of the apron Zora woman said. “I completely forgot I ordered this.”

The delivery girl shrugged her tight muscled arms and pulled out a shining oyster shell that surely contained a soggy pizza. “That’ll be 20 Rupees, ma’am.”

“Oh my!” the apron Zora squealed, fanning herself off. It must have gotten really hot in the depths here? “I’m afraid I lost my wallet in the waves when I was busy tending to my garden! I’m so sorry, miss!”

The delivery girl let out a hefty groan. Something about these two… it was so hard for Mipha to look away. She felt her hands gliding against her legs.

“Is there…” the apron Zora started, pink apron strap falling down her shoulder. “Is there any other way I could pay you, miss? You’re so big and strong and I’m just so lonely down here…”

Suddenly the delivery girl wasn’t nearly as annoyed. Her eyes lit up in realization. “Weeelll… I guess I could let this slide if you have something else in mind.”

Mipha stifled a gasp. They weren’t going to… were they? She couldn’t help it; her finger had already slid between her legs.

In a flash, the apron was carried off in the river’s current. The homeowner Zora didn’t even try to stop it. Her breasts and genitals were in full view, luscious, huge, wet, and so soft compared to the delivery girl’s hardened scales. “Oh my, oh my, I certainly wouldn’t mind if you needed to use my body for some stress relief, miss…”

She basically just said it!

“Don’t mind if I do...” the delivery girl said, ripping off her work outfit with a quick slice of her claws. Her butt!! It’s so toned!! She pressed the single and lonely Zora’s squishy body against the doorframe, and the two instantly let out a deep moan of pleasure as they kissed.

I can’t believe this! It’s like… it’s like those awful adult novels I’ve read! But… but… Mipha couldn’t help but let out a tiny moan of her own, her finger working delicate circles against her better judgement.

“Hmm…?” the apron zora said between a moan. “Is someone there? I, hm, have enough ‘pizza’ for you too if you’re hungry~…”

“Heh, yeah, you can help pay me back too,” the delivery girl said with a toothy grin that sent Mipha’s heart into overdrive.

I can’t!! They’ll know who I am! Mipha quickly swam through the gloomy depths like a torpedo, far past the sexy couple and their stupid sexy pizza. This… this isn’t helping at all! I’m just getting more bothered! Oh, if only I could have…

Mipha swam far, far down the river until she ran into a larger bank. It seemed quiet enough! And there certainly were no signs of anyone all the way out here! Certainly, she could masturbat* in peace, right?! Mipha drifted down to the bottom and squeezed herself through a tight crevice that gave her just enough room to stretch her legs open.

Finally. She couldn’t help but think of those Zora women from before as she floated quietly in the depths, stroking herself.

However… It wasn’t long before she felt movement in the water.

Oh, come on! Well. They shouldn’t find me or notice me down here. I’ll just… finish myself off quickly and then be on my way!

“Lunesta, this way! In all my patrols, no one ever comes here.”

“Are you sure, Solison?”

“I am certain.”

Ohh! I can’t just touch myself while this is going on… Mipha suppressed a sigh and looked through the crevice that she hid herself in.

A blue Zora woman in silvery armor was being pulled by a red Zora woman in golden armor. Mipha recognized them as some of the higher-ranking knights in the Zora army! Lunesta, the Silver Striker, and Solison the Golden Guard!

But just what were they doing so far out here?

“Lunesta, I need you to know something.” Solison’s hand dropped from Lunesta’s. The silver knight grasped her hand as if it had grown cold so fast.

“No, Sol, you… you know we can’t…”

Mipha’s heart drummed in her chest. She quietly drifted closer to the crevice to get a better view.

“I wish you wouldn’t talk this way, Lune!” Solison said, hurt in her eyes. “Our families be damned.”

“But…” Lunesta reached out reflexively before pulling her hand back to her chest. “You are betrothed already. As am I.”

Mipha suppressed a gasp. Could it be? Scandalous relationships in the royal guard? Again, this… this is just like the romance novels…

“I feel nothing for him,” Solison said harshly. “And why should I? When I care only for you.”

“Stop, Sol, you can’t…” Lunesta murmured.

“Why not?” Solison drifted closer, her hands yearning to embrace the other. “You were the one who saved my life in battle. You were the one who nursed me back to health when the others were sure I was done for!” She paused. “Tell me! Is that not true?”

Lunesta flinched. “I… Yes… I only did what I would have done for my fellow Zora.”

“Your words are so cold, Lune! Tell me, would you stay at your fiancé’s bedside for all those weeks?”

Lunesta stayed silent.

Solison grit her fangs together. She clasped Lunesta’s hands together with hers and held them tightly, oh so tightly. “Please. At least listen to my confession. And if you truly feel nothing, then let us be on our separate ways. But if you feel the same as I, then for Nayru’s sake, please tell me!”

“Oh, Sol…” She turned her head away, but her silvery eyes could not look away.

Mipha was practically pressed against the cracks, glued to the dramatic story before her.

“I loved you the moment I saw you in the battlefield, Lune!” Solison said firmly, golden eyes burning with passion. “Your movements, your grace! You are like a typhoon, but you protect all those around you!”

“Sol…” Lune started. Her eyes finally met Solison’s. “I would never be able to fight with such a fervor were it not for your defensive abilities.” She paused. Her hands tightened around Solison’s. “And I would never have a reason to fight with all I have either.”


“Because… Because…”

Ba-dump, ba-dump! Mipha’s heart was pounding so loudly, she worried the knights would hear.

“Because I love you, too, Sol! I only fight the way I do so that I can protect you!”

“Oh, Lune…”

“Sol… Please… I…” Lunesta pressed Solison into the edge of the river’s side, her hands running over the knight’s golden armor. “This… this was what I was afraid of… I can’t stop myself…” Soon the golden armor sank down to the bottom of the river, leaving Solison bare.

“Take me if you want me, Lune!” Solison cried, kissing Lunesta passionately. “Never hold yourself back around me!”

“Sol…” Lune moaned, her fingers sliding between Solison’s legs, over her breasts. “Take me as well. This armor, this life, this family, it is all so stifling. I only want you…!”

Gold and silver armor drifted at the bottom of the river near Mipha, leaving only two Zora women, bare against the hot sunny waters. Years of frustration and pining had led up to this moment and Mipha had a front row seat.

I shouldn’t be watching this! This is wrong! This is a moment between lovers, I… Again, Mipha’s fingers had found the warm tingling spot between her legs. No! I can’t.

“Sol, if anyone saw us, we would lose everything!”

“Please, Lune, I need you! Don’t stop…”

Oh Hylia, why do you test me so?!

Mipha had no choice but to watch the two women make passionate love to each other, a blur of red and blue, of groping and need.

They’re busy… now’s my chance! I can’t take this! As quietly as possible, Mipha squeezed out of the crevice and swam away from the romantic cries of love as fast as possible. I wish those women the best. I will try to use my position to help them, but I will not spy on them like some… some pervert!

Mipha sighed. Once the beautiful knights were well out of her way, she allowed herself to drift to the bottom of the river again. Would this finally be her chance to stay to herself?

“Hey, bro.”

Oh no…

“Sup, bro?”

Two Zora women lounged together above the water, their shining scales glimmering under the sun’s powerful rays.

“I’m bored, dude.”

“Yeah, dude, same.”

A pause. Maybe they’ll just… go on a walk together?

“Bro, you wanna masturbat* together?”

“Oh, you KNOW I’m down, bro! Haha.”

You’re JOKING!

“C’mere bro, let’s masturbat* real close like we usually do, yeah? You know, like with our puss*es real close to each other.”

“Oh, bro, yeah, of course. You got a ROCKIN’ puss*, bro, you know I wanna feel your fingers against mine as I’m poundin’ myself!”

“Hell, yeah, bro, yeah. Like this? Oh, that feels great. I love the way our puss*es touch, bro, like, seriously! Your puss* is mad tight and mad wet and feels hella good.”

“Same, bro, same! You got any hot as f*ck ideas goin’ on in that head of yours, bro? To make our fap sesh, like, way better, you know?”

“BRO. Bro. Okay. So. Here’s something fun to imagine as you slam that puss*, right? Imagine, like, Mipha!”


“I’m not even, DONE yet, bro! Imagine Mipha, smokin’ hottie princess with those rockin’ tit* and slick as f*ck puss*! But imagine she was watching US, bro, watching us masturbat* together!”

“Bro, that is so f*cking hot, bro. You are so good at thinking up, like, the hottest scenarios for our fap sesh, bro. Like, seriously? Can you imagine? Do you think she’d masturbat* to us masturbating to each other?”

“BRO. That’s SO hot. I wanna f*ckin’ cum already just thinking about it!”

“Like, BRO. What if she just showed up RIGHT now. Horny out of her mind, right? We could f*ck her together, bro, we’d make her feel so good, and it’d be SO hot, bro.”

“Bro, you’re SO right. I mean, obviously, I wanna cum with you more, bro, like, c’mon, but I’d have a GREAT time with Princess Mipha, like, I’d cum BUCKETS, bro.”

“Broooo, this is so good, your puss* feels SO good against mine, masturbating like the hot sexy stud you are. I’m gonna cum SO hard right f*ckin’ now, bro.”

“Bro, me too…!!! I’m … I’m gonna cum with you, bro! Oh, imagine if Mipha was watching us! This would be the time she should show up, right now, as we’re about to cum, bro! Bro! Bro!”

“Ohhhhhhh, bro, I love you so much, bro!”

“DUDE, I love you so much, too, this feels SO good, I’m CUMMING.”

Mipha absolutely couldn’t handle it anymore. She swam so far, so fast, she didn’t even know where she was going, and she didn’t care. Yes, she could have had sex with those two strange Zora girls, but there was no way it wouldn’t get out and ruin her life!

This just isn’t fair!

That does it! Mipha thought to herself, frustrated with these comically sexy yet unfortunate timed events. I know where I can go where no one can possibly bother me!

If one were to look out into the many waterfalls along the cliffside, one might have been able to see a splotch of ruby red rushing up the roaring waters. One would also figure their eyes were playing tricks on them because who could do that?

Princess Mipha, that’s who! She was the only Zora (in this timeline so far) that could swim straight up a waterfall! It wasn’t easy, not one bit, but she was desperate. Her muscles ached and her chest heaved as she stumbled into the mouth of a cool, (and most importantly) desolate cave.

The waterfall raged onwards above and below here, giving Mipha the privacy she deserved and an amazing view over the cliffside. Water pooled into small puddles throughout this little cave, smoothed out by the harsh falls, yet calmed by the gentle burble of other, smaller veins of water. Drip, drop, drip, drop, the cave’s inner mouth went.

Bits of coral and moss glowed along the walls, sending a subtle green light throughout the cave’s darkness. Perfect mood lighting for a princess in need of some private time.

I want to do this so much… she thought to herself.

Before she could even get a hold of her thoughts, Mipha found herself laying down against one of the cool cave puddles. The water felt great here, the lower temperature sending shivers through her lower body. Her fingers absentmindedly traced over her chest, dripping cool water over her overheated body.

Her mind was finally free to run wild, like a Sand Seal unleashed in a great desert. No more would she tie herself down, no more would she shame herself for her feelings or for her desires!

She imagined a beautiful Zora woman, her scales glistening cobalt, the lips between her legs dripping with want. She imagined the woman lay her down into the pools here, her rough fins pinning her down, her long elegant fingers sliding so easily into Mipha’s warmth.

Ah! It felt better than she expected. It really was so warm, so soft…! Her own fingers worked in hungry circles between her thighs, ripples of pleasure trickling down her spine.

Then she imagined a powerful Gerudo woman, muscles toned and tight after years under the blazing sun of the desert. She lifted Mipha into the air with ease, and Mipha knew this woman could snap her in half if she wanted, but the Gerudo woman was gentle, careful. Her long red hair flowed down past her nose like a waterfall of passion, and she kissed Mipha deeply.

Goodness…! Mipha couldn’t help but let out a tiny moan. Her imagination took her in all sorts of different directions, places she would normally never find herself in.

It wasn’t long before her imagination flew to the skies above, carried to the clouds in the soft and fluffy embrace of a beautiful Rito woman. Her feathers felt like warm fuzzy pillows! She shone with a beautiful pink, like a sakura petal drifting through the winds. Her beak, so cool, so jagged, so threatening, hid a shy face. She blushed and turned away, but imaginary Mipha was courageous and brought her gaze back. She groped that feathery chest and the Rito let out a moan like a songbird and couldn’t help but grope Mipha back.

In her emerald lit cove, Mipha found that her free hand had been massaging her own slick chest, that her fingers moved inside herself like a whirlpool. She bucked against herself, pleasure building, shame evaporating. She bucked harder into her fingers, harder, the sensation of her backside slapping back into the water a dizzying joy.

Oh, just what other place would Mipha’s imagination take her next? She was finally free to express herself in whatever way she wanted!

Outside the roaring waterfall, Mipha swore she heard a hushed buzz of magic. Possibly above her? It made no sense, but Mipha didn’t want to question her wet daydreams, merely wanted to be carried away by them.

Something dark, yet bright, yet tiny tumbled down the waterfall above Mipha with the grace of a fish out of water. It let out a screech of shock as it fell. The small thing landed smack dab onto Mipha’s thighs, between her legs as she feverishly worked herself.

The creature Mipha had imagined on top of her looked to be an extremely confused and dazed woman. Her red and orange hair tumbled about her shoulders, writhing as if it had a mind of its own. She appeared like a shadow in the light of a candle in the dark.

Even though she had landed with her thighs directly on top of Mipha’s, it didn’t hurt at all. (Mostly because this was all in her head, silly!) Mipha counted this as due to the young shadowy woman’s rather small stature, almost imp-like in a way. She wore nothing but a strange mask of unknown origin that Mipha couldn’t place. My, how her imagination made up such creative details!

As absurd as it all was, it only made Mipha’s lust grow. She pressed her puss* lips desperately into the other smaller woman’s, the wet warmth only driving her desires further into degeneracy. She lifted the imp-like woman with ease with each of her bucks.

“Umm…” the shadow woman said, a bit of a daze in her voice. A lone red eye stared down at Mipha as the Zora continued to hump into her, to raise her with just her hungry hips alone. “Is this really happening…?” the imp asked, grabbing hold of Mipha’s slippery knees to keep her balance as she continued to be bounced up and down on Mipha’s wet lips.

This was certainly strange, Mipha admitted. Usually, her imaginary women didn’t talk. And when this one talked, it felt… wrong. Like all this imp’s words were being said backwards and forwards at the same time, yet somehow Mipha’s mind still processed and understood it.

Oh! It was like when you tried to hear someone speak in a dream! That made sense! It was usually gibberish. Mipha nodded happily to herself and continued to rub her cl*t and hump the cute little imp girl on her lap. She even took one hand off her chest and placed it on the imp’s shoulders to better keep their puss*es together as she rocked them.

“Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself,” the imp said with a mischievous grin, fangs glistening under the dim green light. “It’d be awful rude of me to interrupt you, so why not go ahead and finish? Can’t say I’m not enjoying this, too.”

Again with the strange talking! But Mipha didn’t let it ruin her pleasure filled haze. She could even feel the imp girl’s puss* warming up, getting wetter as they slapped together…! Oh, what an absurd daydream, yet so realistic!

With that sassy grin and those dangerous fangs, it wasn’t long before Mipha found her climax bubbling between her thighs, soon bursting with pure ecstasy. She used her arm to push the imp girl down harder onto her puss* while simultaneously raising her hips up, trying to take all the pressure she could as she came with a moan louder than she had ever allowed herself before.

Mipha’s orgasam still rippled through her scales as she gently drooped back down into the pools, her muscles relaxed, her mind at ease. Still the imp girl looked down at Mipha with that strange menacing eye and that sharp grin.

Very very strange. Why was her imagination still running wild like this…? She felt great! Her body was loose, warm, and tingling with leftover org*sm, her mind should have been calming down, too! Yet the imp-girl still stared, her bright white smirk like a dagger in the cave’s darkness.

“All finished?” the imp-girl asked, eyeing down Mipha.

Mipha simply stared up at the imp, still trying to process this. Why, oh why, was Mipha still imagining this? Maybe if she replied to the mirage, it would dissipate at the absurdity of it all.

“Um… Yes, I’m quite done,” Mipha replied, tilting her head at the creature still between her legs.

“Cool, cool,” the imp said cooly. “Mind if I hop off?” She pointed a finger at their puss*es and legs interlocked together. “I admit, I usually like to know the name of the person who f*cks me silly, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been f*cked, so I’ll let it slide.”

Mipha’s mind swirled with possibilities. One of them was that this was really happening. Not actually possible! No way! It made no sense. No matter how Mipha looked at it, there was no way that this imp-woman happened to fall with her puss* right on Mipha’s puss* and then…

No, no. That was just stupid. Even though Mipha refused to believe it, she still felt her face heating up, still saw the red in the reflection of the water.

“Um. Yes? You may… hop off?” Mipha replied in a daze to her imaginary f*ck-buddy who was definitely not real.

“Nice.” Suddenly the imp’s hair writhed and moved, forming itself into an arm like appendage. It lifted the imp girl’s little body from Mipha and back to her feet. She stood over Mipha’s confused laying form with that intoxicating smirk of hers still. “I hope you don’t mind me enjoying that as much as I did. I did not expect to be this horny only seconds after I got here.”

Mipha’s mind clouded. She forced it to turn cloudy and rainy and stormy. Because hidden away in the storm clouds of her mind was that possibility again. The possibility that this was all real and seriously happening. Not happening! Not uh. Mipha did not just have sex with a stranger that fell out of the sky.

“Um. That is… fine? For you to enjoy yourself?” Mipha said, half-mumbling. Her princess-like grace was so firmly part of her, that even in a moment like this, she could not help but still try to be polite.

“Good, good, because lemme tell you,” the imp said with a sharp smile. “I really enjoyed it, like. I was this close to cumming, too. You know?”

It was a good thing Mipha was already laying down in this pool of water because if she was standing, she’d have surely fallen over. “Er. Um. I’m sorry?”

The imp waved her little hand at Mipha dismissively. “Huh? Oh, no, don’t worry. I’m not upset with you or anything. I mean, I did land right on your puss* while you were masturbating up a storm! It would have been incredibly rude of me to be like, ‘Hey! Make sure I cum too!’ You know?” She shrugged. “Again. Besides. It felt really good.”

Mipha’s brain felt like a fried fish. “... Sorry??” she repeated dumbly.

The imp’s grin finally washed off. Her firm eye softened into something incredulous. Pity? “What kind of land did I fall into? You’re a Zora right? You guys haven’t devolved or anything, right?” She sighed sadly. “I’ve had enough of dealing with my own devolved people…”

It was still going. This was still happening. More and more, Mipha had to start accepting the fact that this may not be her imagination. If that was the case, she couldn’t just sit here like a fish flopping out of water!

“I… I am a Zora, yes,” Mipha said at last. Her next few sentences came out easily, practiced over and over. Even in a situation like this, laying in a pool naked, she could still say it. “I am Mipha, Princess to the Zoras, daughter of King Dorephan.”

The imp’s eye widened. Her hair even seemed to stiffen. “Seriously?” She paused, then repeated, “Mipha?”

Mipha’s heart raced. Did this imp not recognize her? Was it wrong to give out her name? Maybe she could have gotten out of this if she had lied…

Interrupting Mipha’s anxious thoughts, the imp grinned and said, “My name’s Midna!” She jutted a thumb to herself, and even her hair formed a hand to jut a giant red thumb at herself too. “Our names sound the same! That’s neat.”

Mipha managed a polite smile. “Yes, that is…. neat.”

The imp known as Midna nodded. “Yeah, I’m actually a princess too?” She winced. “Ugh, they got me doing it again. People call me the Twilight Princess, but I’m actually the Queen? It’s a long, stupid, vaguely sexist story.” She waved it off with her hand and her giant hair hand. “What are the odds I land directly on someone like you?”

Goodness. Goddess. Mipha was overwhelmed. A princess? A queen? This little imp wasn’t just in her imagination?? But she also didn’t seem to be aware of Mipha? Or even this world?

Maybe things would be okay after all…?

Midna let out an impish giggle. “Sorry about the whole ‘devolved’ comment before. I guess it makes sense you’d be pretty shocked about what just happened. Even I’m having trouble processing it.” She looked down on Mipha with that sharp grin again. It sent shivers down Mipha’s spine. “Although if we do this again, maybe next time buy me dinner first?”

Something exploded in Mipha’s princess brain. Gasp! She had been incredibly rude! Incredibly! This was the queen of a new land? And she had used her as nothing more than a sex doll?! Awful! Terrible treatment!

Without another word, she shot up from her pool, ignoring her shame. Midna looked up at her, shocked. “My queen, I cannot apologize enough for my behavior!” She bowed, but even then, still towered over Midna. “Allow me to prepare you a customary Zora dinner!”

Midna took a step back but continued to stare up at Mipha. The imp girl didn’t look so impish anymore. “Hey, no, it was a joke, you don’t have to—”

But it was too late. Mipha didn’t hear that last part. Her mind could only focus on one thing. Respect! Grace! She dashed out of the cave and through down the waterfall, yelling back, “Please wait right here!”

“Uh… okay??”

It couldn’t have even taken Mipha five minutes to catch a fish between her powerful Zora jaws. In a flash, she would be back in that cave, fish wiggling between her teeth, to cook a delicious meal for what still might possibly be all in her head.

Either way, she was hungry after everything that happened.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.