Obits for Garvin County, Oklahoma, Researching Ancestry in Oklahoma (2024)

Mrs. Julia Dillingham, aged 47 years died at her home at Paoli, about 1o'clock Tuesday morning of consumption and the remains were laid torest Wednesday afternoon in the Paoli cemetery with services by Rev. A.L. Williams. (Pauls Valley Democrat, Thursday, December 23, 1915, frontpage)

Mrs. Blanche Howard, 25 years old, wife of Chas. Howard died at fouro'clock this morning of a complication of diseases after an illness ofseveral weeks at her home on the east side. No funeral arrangementshave been made on account of waiting to hear from relatives. (PaulsValley Democrat, Thursday, December 23, 1915, front page)

J. L. Ladd
Mr. J. L. Ladd, aged 84 years, died Monday afternoon of theinfirmatives of age at the home of his son, J. B. Ladd, near Klondike.The remains were laid to rest Tuesday afternoon in the Pauls ValleyCemetery with services by Rev. Williams. The deceased was a member ofthe Baptist Church. (Pauls Valley Democrat, Thursday, December 23,1915, front page)

David Mays
A Good Man Gone - Mr. David Mays, one of the oldest settlers and mosthighly respected citizens of the county died Sunday evening at his homein Maysville in the 78 years of his age after a short illness. Thefuneral services were held at the residence, conducted by Rev. O. A.Morris, and the remains were laid to rest in the Maysville cemeteryMonday afternoon. A large concourse of people gathered to pay theirlast respects to the deceased. The floral offerings numerous andbeautiful. Rev. Morris paid a beautiful tribute to the Christian lifeand character of Mr. Mays.
Mr. Mays was a native of Tennessee who in early life moved to GraysonCounty, Texas, and moved from there over 40 years ago and settled onhis place at Maysville where he lived until his death last Sunday. Allhis children were born there and they never knew any other parentalhome. He leaves five children, either of whom is a credit to the socialand business affairs of the community in which he or she lives; theyare: Mrs. W. T. Shannon, Mrs. Scott Jones, W. P. Mays, T. G. Mays, andClarence Mays. He also leaves a widow who is now 75 years old.
However deep the shadows of death may fall upon the bereaved widow whotraveled the paths of time so many years with her devoted husband everfaithfully looking and pointing upward and the honored children whowere so much attached to their father, they have the great consolationthat can come to them in the reflection that Mr. Mays was a good manand that he lived and died a Christian, and that the good he did andthe example he set will live long after him.
Mr. Mays had been a member of the Methodist Church 34 years and wasprominently identified with the work of that organization.
He also leaves two step children, J. B. Wilson, of Maysville, and Mrs.Sam Williams, of Purcell; who were as much attached to him as his ownchildren.
No man stood higher as a citizen than did Mr. Mays. He was a successfulbusiness man and his judgment of men and affairs was highly esteemed byall who knew him. He was just and liberal and will be greatly missed inthe community where his lived so long. (Pauls Valley Democrat,Thursday, December 23, 1915, front page)

Rayburn child
The two months old child of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rayburn, near Walker,died on last Saturday and was buried Sunday in the cemetery nearWalker. (Pauls Valley Democrat, Thursday, December 23, 1915, front page)

Died a Stranger at the Elk - Alington Stewart, died at the Elk hotel,this city, at an early hour last Friday morning. Mr. Stewart came tothe Elk hotel on Sunday night and asked for a room, telling Mr.McCarver, the proprietor, he was sick and had but little money. Thenext morning he ate but little and gradually grew worse. The proprietorinsisted on calling a physician, but Mr. Stewart declined to have onecalled. Later, however, Dr. Markham was called and took charge of thecase, and did all that he could be done for the sick man, and he waswell nursed and cared for by the proprietor.
Dr. Markham and Mr. McCarver both tried to find out something about theman's family and history, but to no effect, except, that he had afamily with whom he was not living on account of domestic trouble. Thedeceased died of heart disease.
The remains were prepared for burial by Undertaken Conner. There wasfound among Stewart effects, after his death, a note, saying in case ofdeath notify his brother, D. D. Stewart at Gridley, Kansas. He was atonce notified and replied that he would leave on the first train forthis city. Sunday afternoon, Mr. Stewart and his brother, E. A. Stewartof Tuma, Iowa, reached here. The brothers had the deceased buriedMonday morning in the city cemetery, with ceremony by Rev. J. E.Roberts of the Methodist Church.
It was learned that the deceased lived in Savanah, Mo., where he had awife and two children, a girl ten years old and a boy eight. He hadbeen separated from his wife for five years and until his death hisbrothers had not known of his whereabouts for several years. Thebrothers stated that the deceased had had heart trouble for ten or moreyears, and was unable to do but little work, and they thought domestic,and financial troubles and pride had kept the deceased from allowingthem to know anything about him. (Pauls Valley Democrat, Thursday, June29, 1911, front page)


Died – Miss Jewell Truit,aged 22 years died at the home ofher uncle R. L. Duncan in this city on last Wednesday. Home of deceasedwas inSulphur. Interment was had at Paoli Thursday following funeral servicesat theBaptist church in this city, conducted by Rev. Thos. P. Haskins. (PaulsValleyDemocrat, Thursday, August 3, 1922, page 5)

Marie St. John
Obituary - Stratford, Okla., 6-23-1920
On the 12th ofJune at 9:00 P.M.,the death angel visited the home of J. A. St. John and wife and calledawaytheir little 7 months old baby, Marie St. John, to that home above.LittleMarie was the life of that home and everyone that knew her loved herand herlittle place in that home can never be filled and her smiles can neverbeforgotton by all that knew here and the dear parents did all in theirpower andhad seven doctors, but none could save her life, for she was too brightto bespared, it seemed, and she tried every way on earth to get well but tonoavail.
Mr. and Mrs. St. Johns takenthe littleone to Pauls Valley when she was taken seriously ill and stayed thereand didall possible for her but it was her time to go and cheer up dear peoplefor weall know where she has gone and some day you all can be with her forever, foryou have no doubts about where her sweet little soul has fled to.—Afriend. (Pauls ValleyDemocrat
(PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday,July 1, 1920, Vol 27, No. 17, Ed. 1page2, colm 3, transcribed by a FOFG)

A.B. Queen

Obituary- Mr.A. B. Queen, father of Rev. T. J. Queen, of near Pauls Valley, diedat the home of the latter June 13th 1921. Mr.Queen was born inUnion County, Georgia, the 16th of February,1833, and at the timeof his death was 88 years, 3 months and 27 days old. To him and hiswife, whopreceded him 16 years ago, were born eight children, two died ininfancy andsix remain to mourn h is going. His life was spent in farming and stockraisingin the state of his birth, until about two years ago when he came toOklahomato visit his two children, Mrs. Tom L. Tally and Tom J. Queen. Mr.Queen was amember of the Baptist church, of which he had been a faithful andhonoreddeacon for more than fifty years. Four years of his life were spentfollowingthe fortunes of the Southern Confederacy under the beloved GeneralRobert E.Lee.

During his short residence in Oklahomahe had made many friends, whowith his sons and daughters mourn his going.

He was stricken with paralysis aboutten days prior to his death. Nohope of his recovery was entertained from the beginning and early onthemorning of the 13th inst. Surrounded by hischildren andgrandchildren, who are living in Oklahoma, and many friends andneighbors, thespirit of this good man went to be with his Savior, whom he had servedfaithfully for three score years.

After funeral services at the familyresidence of Rev. T. J. Queen,conducted by Rev. H. Hayes, his body was laid to rest in the CityCemetery,there to wait the resurrection morn.

PaulsValley Democrat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, June 23, 1921, Vol 18,No. 16, Ed. 1 page7, colm 5 submitted by FOFG

CharlesL. Shockley

LindsayFarmer Dies Suddenly

As he was leavingthe Wash*ta river in which he had beenswimming, C. L. Shockley, widely-known farmer living near Lindsay, felldeadlate yesterday afternoon.

Funeral serviceswill be held in the S. J. Andersonundertaking parlor this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock. Rev. C. B. Jameswillofficiate. The body is being brought to Chickasha in an ambulance.

The deceased is afather of A. Y. Shockley, an employee ofthe First National bank here; Herman Shockley, newly elected member oftheJunior high school faculty, and Herbert Shockley, a student in theChickashahigh school last year. Mrs. H. A. Martin, a daughter of the deceased,lives inthis city.

Local relativesleft immediately for Lindsay after being notifiedof the death yesterday afternoon about 6:00 o’clock.

Heart trouble isbelieved to have caused the man’s death.

The Chickasha dailyexpress, (Chickasha, Indian Territory) 1September, 1922, Vol 23, No 118, page 3, colm 1 submitted by FOFG

Edna Talbot
Obituary - Miss Edna Talbot died, at the home of her sister, Mrs. J.Paul near Paoli July 22, of stomach trouble.
MissTalbot had lived at Hico Okla. Until the death of her parents some fewyears ago since then she has resided with her sister Mrs. J. Paul ofnear Paoli. She leaves one brother, W. S. Talbot of Hico Okla. and twosisters, Mrs. R. S. Bryant of Rosidale Okla. and Mrs. J. Paul of nearPaoli.
The body was laid to rest by her father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. D. C.Talbot at the Franklin Cemetery, near Hico.
PaulsValley Democrat (Pauls Valley, Oklahoma) Thursday, August 3, 1916, Vol13, No. 21, Ed. 1 page 4, colm 4 submitted by FOFG

John T. Dyche

Diedfrom Effect of Kick

Chickasha:John T. Dyche, a prosperous young farmer living nine miles north oftown, wasthe victim of an accident which resulted in his death. He received akick inthe abdomen from a mule, the injury appearing slight at first, butlatercausing peritonitis. The remains were brought to this city and shippedtoManhattan, Kan., for interment.

PaulsValley Sentinel (PaulsValley, Indian Territory) Thursday, April 21, 1904, Vol 1, No. 5, Ed. 1 page 2, colm 2 submittedby FOFG

Ida Opal Washington

Obituary- We are very sad over the loss of a young andnoble life from our midst. To see her was to respect her and to knowher was tolove her.

IdaOpal Washington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardRidgway of Elmore City, Okla., passed out of this life May 1st,1916to enter that bright city where God’s love radiates and casts out everysorrowand care.

Shewas borne at Wakefield, Ill, Nov. 11, 1896. She died atthe age of 19 years 5 months and 20 days. She was married to RayWashingtonJune 19th 1915. She leaves a mother and father,two sisters, Indiaand Lala at home, two half sisters, Mrs. E. E. Lawson and Mrs. O. M.Denny bothof Alva, Mo. One half brother, Frank Gray of Sims, Ill.

Idagave her heart to God a the age of 14 years and joinedthe Methodist church at St. James Mo.

Itindeed seems sad to give up such an intelligent and noblegirl just in the bloom of life but we must remember God’s way is bestand herpure life should be an inspiration to those left behind to walk in thepaththat Jesus walked, and meet Ida at the Throne of God where all is joyandpeace.

“Letnot your heart be troubled; Ye believe in God, believealso in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, Iwouldhave told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Intermentwas made at Elmore City in the presence of a largenumber of friends and school mates.

PaulsValley Democrat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, July 6, 1916, Vol 13, No. 17, Ed. 1 page 2, colm 4 submittedby FOFG

Rev.John ThomasWhite

Obituary- Rev. JohnThomas White, born in Decatur Ill., Feb. 21st,1852, died at hisfarm home near Dexter, Iowa, Dec. 25th, 1921. Hewas a consecratedChristian, having made peace with his Savior at the age of 18, elevenyearslater he was ordained to preach the gospel of his Lord and Savior.

Dec.14th, 1876 he was united in marriage to MissAlmina Elen Goshon atMarshall Town, Iowa, to this union nine children were born, five boysand fourgirls, as follows;

Mrs.Emma Mitchell, of Ralston, Okla.; James A. white and Mrs. May SteckerofBethany, Okla.; John W. White of Pauls Valley, Okla.; Mrs. AliceBuchanan ofPearsonia, Okla.; Mrs. Ethel Kinkade of Bighart, Okla.; D. Paul White,SamuelA. White and Joseph A. White of Dexter, Iowa.

Heleaves a wife, Mrs. J. T. White, nine children, 16 grandchildren, threegreatgrand children, one brother and two sisters to mourn his departure.

Wethe wife and children thank God to know that he is now safe in the armsofJesus.

IntermentBethany Cemetery, Bethan, Okla., Dec. 27th, 1921.

PaulsValley Democrat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, December 29, 1921, Vol 18, No. 42, Ed. 1 page 1, colm 4 submittedby FOFG


Mrs.Maggie Applegate was born at Indianopolis, Indiana, in 1886 going toMissourisome 8 years ago. Mrs. Applegate was visiting her nephew, T. J. Dobynswhentaken seriously ill with blood poisoning, which caused her death, June18,1920. Funeral services were held at the Paoli cemetery. Mrs. Applegateprofessed faith in God and joined the Methodist church and lived aChristianfor years. She was among strangers, except for her nephew, but she knewher Godand to Him she will render the account of her life. He will recognizethat shehas come through a long period of struggles and trials and he willreward heraccordingly.

PaulsValley Democreat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, July 1, 1920, Vol 27, No. 17, Ed. 1 page 9, colm 1 submittedby FOFG


Obituary- Death has claimed another victim at Foster, Mrs. Mina Hodges, wife ofF. G.Hodges. For many months she had been afflicted with tuberculosis. Forseveralweeks the end has been expected by her many friends and relatives whohad beenregular attendants at her bedside.

Mrs.Hodges was 29 years old, she is survived by her husband and two smallchildrenDortha and Buddie, her father, F. H. Childs of Barksdale, Texas, abrighter, N.N. Childs of Foster, a brother and sister, Thos. Purnell, and Mrs.BessieGarrison of Roberson.

Theend came at 11:30 o’clock on the night of Jan. 18th,she wassurrounded by several friends and relatives and it will long beremembered bythem that when they drew near as the dew of death was on the flower asits lifesun was going down. The little chest heaved faintly, and spasmodicallythenturning her eyes she beheld her own little ones taking their last lookat theirdying mama, she could no longer speak but with her hands made signs ofher loveand affections for them, that was easily understood, she then closedher eyes,her life, his darling and their mother was gone from them forever.

Mrs.Hodges was loved by everyone who knew her and the writer whom has knownhersince in early childhood cannot call to memory of ever hearing even onewordspoken against her good name. We are sad with her departure. She ishappy withthe Creator. Why should we weep in her last hours her mind seemed to beon herlittle daughter, Dortha, no doubt she was thinking that just a fewyears backwhen she lost her own dear mother and knew of some of the hardshipsthat littleDortha was liable to meet. Let us ever cherish them in their sorrow andlove themas we did the life of our departed friend.

PaulsValley Democrat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, January 29, 1920, Vol 16, No. 47, Ed. 1 page 3, colm 3 submittedby FOFG


Obituary- Mrs. Mandy Holt died December 16th, 1920 atWhitebead, Okla.,after a few months of illness, Mrs. Holt was born in Murray County,Georgia in1848, and was married to a Mr. Redman in October 1866. To this unionthere werefive children born, all girls, three of whom died in infancy. The twolivingare Mrs. Magnolia Maxwell of Dallas, Texas, and Mrs. Tennie Davis ofWhitebead,both of whom were present at her death. In 1875 she moved to Texas,where herhusband died. She was again married on May 9, 1892 to S. T. Holt.

Besidesher two daughters she is survived by five grand children four girls andoneboy, and three great grand children, two girls and one boy.

Atthe age of 18 Mrs. Hold professed religion and joined the Methodistchurch, andlived a devoted Christian life until her death.

Funeralservices were conducted by Rev. Ruby Graham of Whitebead, after whichinterement was made in the Whitebead cemetery. The high esteem in whichthedeceased was held by her friends and neighbors was attested by thelargegathering that were present at the funeral to pay their lastrespects.—AFriend.

PaulsValley Democrat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, January 6, 1921, Vol 17, No. 44, Ed. 1 page 6, colm 4 submittedby FOFG


Died- Mrs.Nannie Hoover, wife of FelixHoover of Hallett,September 18, 1911.She leaves a husband and two little children, a mother, a sister andthreebrothers, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was a lovingwife andmother, a kind friend and to know her was to love her. She lived afaithfulchristain, having joined the U. B. church some four years ago. Theremains werelaid to rest in the Valley cementary Monday. The bereaved relativeshave thesympathy of all.

MaramecWeekly Monitor (Maramec,Oklahoma) Friday, September 22, 1911, Vol 9, No. 4, page 1, colm 3submitted byFOFG


KilledBy Mules

MurrayMcMillan, son of Judge R. McMillan was kicked to death on the streetsof Normanlast Saturday by a team of mules.

YoungMcMillan, who was crossing the street at the time of the accident,paused for amoment as a man with a wagon and team of mules was passing. In somemysteriousway he slipped and plunged headlong beneath the feet of the mules. Thefrightened mules began kicking furiously, and when the young man couldberescued by bystanders, he had been kicked in the face and on the bodyover theheart so badly that death was practically instantaneous. MurrayMcMillan whowas 28 years old had graduated a few days ago from the law school atLebanon,Tenn., and was preparing to open a law office at Purcell. He wasmarried a fewmonths ago in Tennessee and was soon to bring his bride to his Oklahomahome.

PaulsValley Democreat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, March 13, 1913, Vol 9, No. 52, Ed. 1 page 4, colm 3 submittedby FOFG

MatildaCarolina Butler Ward

Obituary- Matilda Carolina Butler Ward, was born January 31, 1856, and departedthislife on June 14, 1920, age 64 years, four months and fourteen days. Shewasunited in marriage in 1882 to J. R. Ward and to this union was bornsevenchildren, of which two had preceded her with her husband. Five of thenumber areleft to mourn her loss, namely; Mrs. J. W. Essix, of Milburn, Okla;Mrs. J. B.McKennon; Mrs. R. I. Kay, Mrs. R. J. Courtney; Mrs. J. S. White, all ofBrady,Okla.

SisterWard was converted early in life; she was a true Christian; she unitedwith theMethodist church at Brady, Okla., about nine years ago and she remainedafaithful member until God called her home.

Sherejoiced in her saviors love; she suffered about twenty months, herafflictionsshe bore with patience, waiting the good Lords time to call her home toheaven.

Weextend to her five daughters and their families our deepest sympathyand prayGods richest blessings upon them. The remains of sister Ward wasfollowed toWynnewood by a number of friends and relatives on Sunday morning, Junethe 15th.Funeral services held at the cemetery at that place by Rev. J. J. EnseyandMrs. M. B. Ford, after which the body was laid to res.—Written by Mrs.M. B.Ford.

PaulsValley Democreat (PaulsValley, Oklahoma) Thursday, July 1, 1920, Vol 27, No. 17, Ed. 1 page 10, colm 1 submittedby FOFG

Sarah Blanton

Death of Mrs. Blanton – Mrs.Sarah Blanton, aged 68 years,died suddenly August 9th of heart trouble at thehome of herdaughter in Era, Texas. Mrs. Blanton at the time of her death was beingtreatedby a specialist. She had been a sufferer of heart trouble and while thefamilyhad little hopes of relief everything possible was done for her. Whilesittingin a chair she said that she felt a smothering spell coming over her,gave aslight gasp and died instantly. The deceased and her husband, J. W.Blanton whosurvives, have lived at Rocky, Okla., several years.

They moved to Cook County,Texas in the early seventies. Herhusband and one daughter, Mrs. Clark were present when she died. Thefuneralservices and burial took place on the 11th, whenall of the eightchildren were present to witness the last sad rites of their noble,Christian mother,whose whole life had been devoted to her family and to her church. Thechildrenare:

Coleman, Charles, Kirby andWalter Blanton, of Rocky, Ok.,R. D. Blanton, of Lawton, Ok., Judge J. T. Blanton of this city, Mrs.PerryClark of Era, Texas and Mrs. John C. Harris, of Hood, Texas.

Mrs. Blanton had been adevout member of the MethodistChurch from girlhood and died in the faith that has sustained her in along anduseful life. Her children are all men and women of the highestcharacter and asource of pride and pleasure to their parents. J. W. Blanton is 72years oldandhas been a member of the Board of Control of the Federal Home atArdmore, sincethe home was founded. (Pauls Valley Democrat, Thursday, August 22,1912, page4)

Dorothy M. (Clark) West

Dorothy M. (Clark) West, of Lenapah, Okla., died Aug. 1.

Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Mid America RevivalCenter Church in Coffeyville. Burial will be in Hickory Creek Cemetery inLittle Flock, Okla. The Rev. Robert West will officiate.

Friends can call Friday from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. atPenwell-Gabel Ford-Wulf-Bruns Chapel where the family will receive friends from6 p.m. until 8 p.m.

Mrs. West was born Aug. 17, 1937 in Sleigh, Miss., attendedschool there and in Tunica, Miss. She married Robert West and they moved toLenapah in 1966.

Survivors include two sons, the Rev. Robert West and GregoryWest, of Coffeyville; four daughters, Emma, Dorothy, Jeanette and Sandra, allof Coffeyville; three brothers, James Clark, Memphis, Tenn., Melvin Clark andJ. C. Clark, both of Coffeyville and Nathanial Clark, Chicago, Ill.; threestepbrothers, joe Eddie Hollins of Tunica, Miss., and Sylvester Hollins Jr. andRobert Hollins, both of Chicago; four sisters, Catherine Burnett, Memphis,Geneva Nickles and Annie Durden, both of Coffeyville and Rosie Kennard, Nowata,Okla., three stepsisters, Ledora Jackson, Shirley Hollins and Loretha Hollinsall of Chicago; 18 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Memorials can be made to Life Changing Ministry in care ofthe funeral home. (Transcribed from a card submitted by AW)

Marvin T. Dansby
Marvin T. Dansby, 54, Stratford resident, died July 9. Pickard Funeral Home. (The Ada Weekly News, July 13, 1972, page 5)

Laura Phillips
Laura Phillips, 93, Stratford resident, died July 12. Pickard Funeral Home. (The Ada Weekly News, July 13, 1972, page 5)

Obits for Garvin County, Oklahoma, Researching Ancestry in Oklahoma (2024)
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